Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Baby Movement

WooHoo! I finally felt Gage move today. I've been kind of bummed out that I haven't felt the baby move yet, but the doctor said it was normal due to the placement of my placenta. I was sitting in my rocker this evening reading and definitely felt something inside. I don't know if he was kicking me or if it was hickups, but I could tell it was him. I was so excited I had to run (or hobble in my case) upstairs and tell Greg. I can't wait until Greg can feel Gage kick so he can feel a little more connected. Although, I don't look forward to being jabbed all of the time. I can now tell that Gage is moving around and don't just have all of the yucky pregnancy symptoms. Finally a perk to being pregnant.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Dumb Clogs

The past few days I have been so run down. I really just need to get some extra sleep and take it easy, but haven't had the chance. I had to go in early to work Friday morning as I had been asked to cover for my manager. On the way to work I was praying because I was so tired and just wanted a break. God has a funny way of answering prayers.
At work I had just picked up the keys from the safe and was headed out to the main floor when my foot slipped out of my clog and I fell. I smacked my face against the wall trying to catch myself and my foot went the wrong way. They made me fill out a report and I had to have Greg's dad pick me up as I could not walk. My foot swelled up big time. Greg came home for lunch and dropped me off at my doctor's office. The doctor was convinced that my foot was broken and sent me for x-rays. I was a little concerned about the radiation on the baby, but the x-ray tech piled all of the lead covers that she had all over my body and the doctor said that it should be fine as it was my foot being x-rayed.
Anyway, after spending all day in the doctor's office and hospital, I was informed that I had not broken my foot. It was just badly sprained. Thank goodness! I wanted a break and now I have one. My doctor said not to put pressure on my foot until Monday and I couldn't go back to work for at least a week. She doesn't like the fact that I stand all day in the first place and told me again that she thinks that I should quit.
Now I don't know what to do. I hate standing all day at work, but really need the job. Maybe me hurting my foot was God's way of telling me to quit. Ohhhhhhhh, what to do?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's a...........

Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound. I was so excited that I hardly slept the night before. I had to get up at 6:30 to drink 32oz of water by 7am. Yuck! I still don't understand why they require you to drink so much as 32oz is pure torture for someone who already has a baby pushing on the bladder.
Anyway, the tech spent about 40 minutes looking at the baby and measuring all of the little body parts. The baby was just laying there with the ankles crossed (just like Daddy), but soon began moving all around and kept turning over. The tech said that I have a very active little one, but cannot feel it yet as the placenta is in the front. This cushions my belly from the baby which will be nice when I am really pregnant.
Right before the tech tried to take pictures of the baby's face and find out gender, the baby decided to take a nap. It curled up into a little ball and fell asleep. I was so worried that we would not be able to tell what it was, but the tech kept nudging my belly to wake the baby. Before the tech even told us the gender, it was very apparent to me what it was. We are having............
a BOY!!!!
Gage Aiden Kozick is weighing in right now at 13oz and is doing great. He was diagnosed with a fetal anomaly, but it is nothing to be worried about. He has a little bit of calcium in his heart which is a marker for Down Syndrome, but he does not have Downs. The doctor said that he showed no other problems and the calcium would most likely be gone by birth. It is apparently common to see in developing babies and the doctor said not to worry.
It was so reassuring and fun to see Gage for so long. Greg couldn't stop smiling and talking when he found out the baby was a boy. He really wanted to have a boy first. The doctor asked me if I was happy that it was a boy. I told him that I was, but that I had really wanted a pink nursery. He laughed and begged me not to do that as Gage might not like it when he was older. I had a girl nursery all planned out and have no idea what to do for a boy. At least I have plenty of time. Any suggestions are welcome. Here are the pictures that we were given.

I may be biased, but I think that he is already cute as a button. I can't wait to see him on the outside. Only 20 more weeks to go. WooHoo!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Please be warned - hormonal pregnant woman rant ahead.

Ok, I love to hear stories about other women's pregnancies, but please don't compare my pregnancy to yours. I swear if one more person tells me that they weren't as big as I am or didn't have morning sickness like mine or don't understand why I am not feeling the baby yet, I am going to hit them. Yes, you may have been feeling your baby move at 13 weeks, but just because I can't feel mine at 19 weeks does not mean something is wrong and please don't tell me that. Yes, I do still struggle with nausea at times and you felt better than ever when you were pregnant, but when I am about to hurl please don't remind me of that fact. Yes, I know that my belly is sticking out and that I look very pregnant, but that doesn't mean that you should feel the need to tell me that you were not even showing until 5 months and that I am going to be huge by the time I give birth. Thanks, but that doesn't help.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New Pictures

It has been a long two weeks since I posted last. I have been having more medical problems, but nothing too serious. I have been struggling with passing out and nausea. I will suddenly get hot and feel the room start to spin. I have to sit down immediately and rest. It is a little hard at work as I am not supposed to sit, but everyone has been great and have bent the rules a little when I get sick. My nausea has also come back for some strange reason. Pregnancy is so weird!

Here are two updated pictures of me and my belly. They were taken on March 2, 2006.

I look so pregnant now, but I think it is cute.